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Highlands Astronomical Society

September Club News

Added on 08 September 2019

September Club News presented to Members & Visitors at our last Monthly Club Meeting on Tuesday 3rd September 2019.

Chairman's Chat

Pauline introduced Eric Walker as the new Club Chairman (in her usual humourous way!)

Eric thanked the previous Chairman, Paul Jenkins, for his service to the Club and for all the effort he put in to the role.  Although Paul is setting up a new home quite a few miles from us he is remaining a member of the club and is still a committee member.

Arthur Milnes, who was Vice Chairman, had earlier let us know that he wished to stepped down so Eric's first duty was find an equally enthusiastic new Vice Chairman.  Eric also thanked Arthur for his excellent service in this role where he had to step into the Chairman position on several occasions in the last few months.  Arthur will remain a committee member and continue doing all the work in the background that no-one sees and which keeps the Club meetings running smoothly & Observatory in good shape.

Dave Davidson is the new Vice Chair and he kicked off his term by presenting a summary of what we had been up to in the previous month and what we plan to get up to in September.

Eric introduced himself into his role by thanking the Committee for supporting him to become Chairman and that he is really looking forward to applying his enthusiasm, passion for the Club, and very practical emphasis on the way the Club develops.

KISSAstronomy & A Club For Our Members

The Club will continue with its way of "Keeping It Simple, Straightforward, and Accessible" to all - Accessible 

also referring to Affordable & Amateur.

The Club is all about the Members and a most important thing to remember is to Keep It Fun!

Buoyed by our successful summer activities we have already planned in our first dark skies observing sessions for the end of September.

We are going to review our Club Meeting Break-Out Sessions with a view to helping members observe the night sky and set-up & get the best out of their observing & photography equipment.

We'll look at using the exisitng expertise within our Club to support & mentor individual & group Members, for example, those new to amateur astronomy, setting up and using their own equipment, setting up their own observatories, and suchlike.

Exciting times ahead!



The PowerPoint presentation contains news, updates, and photos of the following

  • Perseid Meteors
  • Pop-Up Solar Observatory at Nairn Beach
  • Doors Open Day 2019
  • Members Activities & Photos
  • September Skies and Astrophotography Challenge (Milky Way & Andromeda Galaxy)
  • September Events


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