Please find below a selection of reviews of equipment owned by members of the society. You may find this a useful section if you are considering buying a telescope, just to see what the members think of some of the brands and types of scopes. We currently have the following reviews on our site:
- Meade LX50 (8")
- Helios Apollo 150
- Helios Startravel 102
- Konus 80 versus Synta 102
- GSO 680
- GSO 680, one year on
- Televue 85 APO
- Sky-Watcher 100ED
- Sky-Watcher Equinox 80 APO
- Skymax 127 SupaTrak Maksutov
- William Optics EzTouch alt-az mount
- Skywatcher Equinox 120ED Apo Refractor
- Lunt LS60THa/B1200
- Skywatcher Skymax 180 Pro Maksutov
- Telescope Service TS TLAPO906T 90mm ED triplet Apo
Coming soon:
- TeleVue 17mm Nagler T4 vs Explore Scientific 18mm N2